Again, I believe it all goes back to this notion of prestige. Ideally, every state wants its sovereignty to be respected by other states. Even more so, states want power: the power to influence and guide. Therefore, states are in constant competition for influence. Although there exist examples of co-existence and balance in our global society, there also exist many examples of power struggles, demonstrated through war and strife. One of the reasons for the longevity of nuclear build-up and the struggle for its conclusion is because state leaders have convinced themselves that nuclear weapons have a positive correlation to global power. They look at leaders such as America or Russia, see its strong influence and find a salient commonality that is nuclear weapons. Sure, the nuclear capabilities of these two countries has lent to its status as world powers but after really thinking about this, is this really the kind of world we all want to be citizens of-a society where our leaders characterize prestige exclusively with power (essentially based on countries threatening the rest into submission), rather than wisdom, respect amongst nations, positive esteem, and intelligent market decisions? If nuclear weapons continue to be used by state heads against others as leverage to ensure/secure sovereignty and authority then humanity really is flirting the line of its own demise.
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